Self-Care can Help Reduce the Stress of Running Your Business

You are likely organized and goal oriented if you are a business owner or freelancer. You probably enjoy being a leader, calling the shots and value the knowledge that you’ve earned for your own success.

But constant go-getting (aka hustling) can take a toll. Freelancers and small business owners may feel they are never really off the clock and after awhile this can lead to burnout.

The venture that was so exciting and rewarding in the early days, may begin to feel like a burden. Burnout is a risk you need to avoid before it becomes a problem. The secret to doing this lies in self-care.

Everyone is different though. You need to find methods of tending to your needs that don’t slow you down, but still provide relief from the ongoing “busyness” and the stress that can accompany it. 

Here are some self-care ideas to consider:

Put on some music

Even if you can’t step away from your work right away, many people find that their work hours pass quickly and pleasantly with a soundtrack.  Just playing your favorite tunes can make a huge difference for your state of mind, whether it’s relaxing music to help you stay calm and focused or upbeat music for motivation.

And if you’re one of those people who find music distracting? Listen on your lunch break or during your downtime instead just to improve your mood and your focus. It can even boost your physical health! I always play music while cooking as an example.

Try aromatherapy

Essential oils can help keep you in a more positive and upbeat mindset while at work, as well as aid in relaxation when you’re trying to put work behind you. For those whose lines between work and life may be blurred, finding this balance between upbeat and focused on one hand and calm and chill on the other is not always easy. Using aromatherapy can help, especially if you find just the right blend of oils that calm the mind while energizing the body.

Give yourself short work breaks

It can help relieve stress to give yourself mini-breaks throughout the day. Especially if you are glued to a screen, intensely focused, you need to be able to step away from your work on occasion, both physically and mentally. Find something else to occupy yourself with, even if it’s something as simple as coloring or doodling or just running up and down the stairs a few times. I like to take a walk outside with the dogs around lunchtime. 

You will probably find when you return to the task at hand, that you feel fresher and less anxious and the work is easier — maybe even more engaging. 

Keep healthy snacks available

When you’re stressed from work, you may sometimes forget to eat. Or you may find yourself binge-eating without even realizing it. (Guilty in the past!)  You may even vacillate between both! That’s why it’s important to keep healthy and nutritious snacks nearby so you don’t forget to eat and then overeat later.

Some good ideas for snacks include nuts, carrot sticks, fruit, whole-grain crackers with hummus, or even a prepared salad, especially if they have added nutritional value in the form of legumes.

Delegate and outsource

If you find short breaks for snacks or a stroll outside are all you can manage, you are probably overburdened with work. You need to be able to take longer breaks for self-care on occasion. Consider hiring others to do the tasks that can be easily outsourced, such as content writing or data entry.

If you’re in the process of launching your company, consider hiring a formation service that knows what is needed to start a business in Georgia — they will be able to register your company quickly and easily. As you launch your business and keep it going in the long term, it’s a good idea to hire an accounting professional to help you maintain your books — getting a break in this department will be excellent stress relief!


Are you used to putting your own needs last? This is not a healthy option for you or for your business long term.  By making self-care habitual, you will see the difference it makes for your mental and physical well-being, as well as your overall productivity.

My blog and podcast have more resources and tips on how to make self-care a priority in your life. Subscribe now to never miss a podcast episode!

As a business owner myself, this content around self-care was inspired by Derek Goodman.

Image via Pixabay


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