Smiling Does Matter to Others

A smile is so simple. It can change a moment, it can change your day, it can change someone else’s day. That simple act of putting a smile on your face can lead you to feel actual joy or amusement. Smiling does matter.

I’ve written about this subject before – The Influence of a Smile. There are so many benefits to smiling, it has a calming effect and can reduce stress; and also provides a positive image to others.

Here’s a recent example. Last month while sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office, an older gentleman walked in and I smiled at him. One of my big smiles.  He smiled back said “Thank you for smiling. This sad old world doesn’t have enough smiles.”

To be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to the doctor appointment. He probably wasn’t looking forward to his either.

A few minutes later, the gentleman walked over to me and handed me this poem. I asked if he wrote it and he confirmed that he did. This poem is beautiful and it made my day! Thank you James Dalton Byrd.



We don’t know what others are dealing with.  Admittedly, it is difficult for some people to smile because life is hard for them. You can lift them up (even if it’s temporary) with a smile. That simple act of empathy builds trust and can help raise their self-esteem.

Don’t let the power of a smile go to waste. Say thank you often, tell others how much you appreciate them, and offer a compliment. This habit only takes a few minutes each day. You’ll be happy to see all those smiles in return.  Or you might even receive an unexpected poem like I did.

Smiling does matter to others.


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