Share the Love ❤️ of Books

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Valentine’s Day is known for celebrating love.

Book lover here. Did you know that February 14th is also known as International Book Giving Day? And for book lovers, there’s no better way to express our love than by sharing our favorite books with those we care about.

The love of books started early in life for many of us with something as simple as a picture book. But not all kids have the opportunity to access books, and those that do often can’t find variety in their reading choice.

In my local community, we have The Little Free Library at the parks. Makes me smile when I walk past them.

International Book Giving Day might be focused mostly on children, but doesn’t mean adults can’t receive book gifts as well.

Consider sharing the love of books with your friends, family, and community. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Give a Book as a Gift: Give the gift of a good book on Valentine’s Day. Choose a book that you know a loved one will enjoy and write a personal note inside the cover. This is a great way to show someone that you care and encourage them to discover the love of reading.
  2. Leave a Book Surprise: Keep a few copies of your favorite book handy to leave behind while out running errands. Include a note that it’s free and to pass it on.
  3. Organize a Book Swap: Host a book swap with your friends or family. Everyone brings a book that they’ve loved and trade for one they haven’t read.
  4. Gift a Bookmark: Every good book needs a bookmark. Share your creations with others to encourage them to read more.
  5. Share Your Favorite Books Online: Share your favorite books on social media or with your online book club. Use the hashtag #LoveofBooks and encourage others to share their favorite books, too.
  6. Write a Love Letter to Your Favorite Book: Write a love letter to your favorite book and share it with your friends and family. This is a great way to express your love of books and encourage others to discover the books that you love.
  7. Donate to Your Local Library: Give back to your community by donating (and/or volunteering) at a local library on Valentine’s Day. Whether you help with a book drive, assist with a reading program, or simply help shelve books, you’ll be spreading the love of books and making a difference in your community.

Sharing the love of books with others is a great way to spread joy, inspire new perspectives, and create a community of avid readers.

Grab a book, and start spreading the love today!


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