Today Matters

I recently discovered one of John Maxwell’s books, Today Matters. He has written a lot of great books with a focus mostly on leadership and personal growth.

Being open to “continually learning” is important to me. And reading books is a popular learning method.

Here are some great #leadership quotes from the Today Matters book:

* I value my attitude because it gives me possibilities.

* I value my priorities because it gives me focus.

* I value my health because it gives me strength.

* I value my family because it gives me stability.

* I value my thinking because it gives me an advantage.

* I value my commitment because it gives me tenacity.

* I value my finances because they give me options.

* I value my faith because it gives me peace.

* I value my relationships because they give me fulfillment.

* I value my generosity because it gives me significance.

* I value my values because they give my direction.

* I value my growth because it gives me potential.


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